
Hiérarchie pour le web

Nous travaillons avec un système de tailles en 8 pixels, où chaque taille de police est basée sur ce nombre de pixels. Cela nous permet de différencier clairement les titres des autres formats de texte. Lorsqu’il s’agit de formats de texte plus petits, nous pouvons composer dans de plus petites casses.
Font Style | Classification | Police / Interligne
IBM Plex Sans Light | Headline Hero Alt | FS 64px / LS 77px

atingi is your study partner

IBM Plex Sans Bold | Headline Hero | FS 64px / LS 77px

atingi is your study partner

IBM Plex Sans Bold | Headline One Alt | FS 56px / LS 67px

atingi is your study partner

IBM Plex Sans Bold | Headline One | FS 56px / LS 67px

atingi is your study partner

IBM Plex Sans Bold | Headline Two Alt| FS 48px / LS 57px

atingi is your study partner

IBM Plex Sans Bold | Headline Two | FS 48px / LS 57px

atingi is your study partner

IBM Plex Sans Bold | Headline Three | FS 40px / LS 48px

atingi is your study partner

IBM Plex Sans Bold | Headline Four | FS 32px / LS 38px

atingi is your study partner

IBM Plex Sans Medium | Subheadline One | FS 26px / LS 31px
We also offers many ways to learn what you need to know for your professional development
IBM Plex Sans Medium | Subheadline Two | FS 22px / LS 26px
We also offers many ways to learn what you need to know for your professional development
IBM Plex Sans Regular/Regular Italic | Paragraph | FS 18px / LS 24px
atingi allows you to learn in the style you prefer. Use atingi on the device of your choice, learn alone or with peers, get guidance by tutors and learn at your own pace. We also offers many ways to learn what you need to know for your professional development. Benefit from videos, interactive content, badges and personalised certificates.
IBM Plex Sans Regular/Regular Italic | Paragraph-small | FS 16px / LS 22px
atingi allows you to learn in the style you prefer. Use atingi on the device of your choice, learn alone or with peers, get guidance by tutors and learn at your own pace. We also offers many ways to learn what you need to know for your professional development. Benefit from videos, interactive content, badges and personalised certificates.
IBM Plex Sans Semi Bold | Button/Caption | FS 18px

Exemple d’utilisation

Caption | About us

H2 | Skill acquisition
on the move

Paragraph | Atingi is a digital learning platform developed within the framework of the Global Project Africa Cloud, implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.
Button text | Learn more

Police de sauvegarde

La police de système Arial est utilisée comme écriture de remplacement et de correspondance.

Do’s & Dont’s

Alternative Position der Bildmarke zur Wortmarke ist nicht möglich
Logo auf einem farbigen Hintergrund
Logoverwendung auf einem Bild oder Grafik


IBM Plex Sans
Get on Google Fonts